Salvador Dalí was a regular client at the prestigious taxidermist, Soler and Pujol, situated back in the day in Plaza Real in Barcelona. He was also a very frequent customer at Maison Deyrolle in Paris. The presence of animals in Dalí's work is constant and there are many graphic testimonies and written ones showing the predilection of the artist.
The architect, Oscar Tusquets maintained a friendship with the artist and started a Dalí Furniture Collection back in 1972, produced by BD Barcelona Design, which include the example of the Lips sofa installed at the Mae West Sala at the Figueras Theatre-Museum. It's a surreal furniture collection that represent the ideas Dalí captured in his sketches both on furniture and pictorial work.
In the painting ‘Interpretation Project for a Stable-Library’ (1942), there appears a little lambtable with a characteristic Dalí-drawer.
Deyrolle is a magnificent taxidermist based in Paris with whom Dalí maintained an intense relationship. Last year Deyrolle had the perfect opportunity to complete this project, which was effectively carried out with exceptional taxidermy skills for a Limited Edition for BD Barcelona Design, which consists of 20 white lambs and a black one. Additionally, there is the elaborated carpentry completed on this little side table, the drawer and the little hoofs in bronze.
From the very same Plaza Real, at the Setba Foundation, Oscar Tusquets Blanca and Peio Rahola (Director at Maison Deyrolle) explained how they casually met in Paris, and the processes of the surrealist project up until the final finishes. It was clarified that any animal that is to be customized, is primarily for usual human consumption and that the 21 lambs chosen to be Daliesque are bought from a Parisian slaughter house.
Both Oscar Tusquets and Peio Rahola showed their pride for this Xai Edition, reminiscing on how much Dalí would have loved to have one placed in his own home.
This project is endorsed by the Gala Salvador Dalí Foundation. The pieces are priced at 36,500€ for each White Xai, and 72,000€ for the unique Black Xai.
Source: BD Barcelona Design
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