
Technology that provides knowledge for a safe return to the office

News Infurma14/06/2021
Technology that provides knowledge for a safe return to the office
Technology that provides knowledge for a safe return to the office

Gaia by Actiu is a pioneering and disruptive IoT platform that sensorises the work environment to gather data on usage and the environmental conditions that people are working in.

It makes spaces more profitable and boosts energy savings while safeguarding the well-being of the people who work in these spaces, connecting them to a safe and high-performance working environment.

Smart platform Gaia by Actiu

Safety and well-being in the workplace depend on factors such as air quality, temperature, humidity, sound, light and density, among others. Gaia by Actiu offers the answers to these new needs. It is a smart platform that allows all these parameters to be measured and monitored, providing companies with relevant information in the form of knowledge that allows them to adopt measures and make adjustments that contribute to improving the working environment.

In this time of the pandemic, going to the workplace knowing that it is a safe environment, where all the necessary measures have been taken to safeguard people's health and ensure their physical and emotional well-being is an added value for the workplace. A suitable environment, together with ergonomic furniture, are measures that contribute to the team's peace of mind and well-being.

Fostering safe and comfortable workspaces for the return to the office boosts motivation and productivity, which is of the utmost importance“, states Soledat Berbegal, Counselor and Head of Corporate Reputation at Actiu, the leading Spanish company in designing and manufacturing furniture for the workspace and hospitality sector.

Gaia by Actiu in action

This system, which guarantees anonymity and maximum security in data processing, has already been rolled out at Actiu's headquarters in the Actiu Technology Park, the first industrial building to be awarded both the LEED and WELL Platinum certifications, which accredit it as a healthy and sustainable space. Qualities that now include the parametrisation of Gaia, to manage the well-being of the people working within it and look after the environment.

Each of the sensors installed in the workstations captures real-time information on temperature, humidity, sound, light and human presence, while the devices in the open areas record the air quality: the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) and suspended PM 2.5 and PM 10 particles. These parameters determine whether the environment should be ventilated more frequently. Devices have also been installed in the meeting rooms that allow the occupancy rate of each room to be checked.

All this information is processed by a series of algorithms that Gaia by Actiu converts into efficiency, well-being and occupancy ratios. The employee-oriented mobile app also lets employees search for and book spaces, rate these environments, report issues and consult content related to health and well-being.

Gaia's evolution

Gaia brings about a change of mentality and opens a new stage in Actiu's trajectory. Over the last fifty-odd years, Actiu has grown and evolved along with its customers. Design, manufacture and provide them with the products they need to equip and configure their spaces.

However, these needs are no longer just about products and solutions; they are also about services. Gaia came about precisely from listening and understanding what users and spaces need to be more sustainable, efficient, collaborative and healthy. “And the answer -concludes Soledat Berbegal- lies in technology”.

Source: Actiu
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Online Magazine of the International Habitat Portal. Design, Contract, Interior Design, Furniture, Lighting and Decoration