In parallel with the Light+Building the Luminale takes place every two years. On the last day the media art action vkunst in Fahrgasse, gallery quarter of Frankfurt, was the highlight of the final day.
"Lunas Park" in the Palmengarten, the light ship "Resonate" on the Main Enbankment and the installation "Time Drifts" on the future cultural campus in Frankfurt-Bockenheim are the public darlings this Luminale in 2012, tells Luminale curator Helmut Bien contently.
Around the lighting robot installation on the Börsenplatz, the OVO egg on the Hauptwache the visitors crowded. "
Offenbach with its about 40 projects makes the claim to be a location of the creative economy in the region increasingly obviously", balances Bien.
The Luminale might have had at the end in spite of typical April showers more than 140,000 visitors, only in the palm garden about 30,000 guests crowded on 6 days, more than twice as many like 2010. In addition come more than 3 million "contacts" by commuters and passers-by who have a look at the Luminale actions on their usual ways.
But also the special programmes like the Slow Light installations in the Exhibition Hall Schulstr. 1a found interested visitors. The talk event Pecha Kucha Luminale Night in the German Architecture Museum visited about 800 guests (in 2010: 400).
In 2014 the 7th issue of the Luminale will come and no matter whether Frankfurt wins the European Green City competition or not, the subjects of sustainability, climate protection and energy efficiency will be in the centre of the next Luminale as an architecture & design festival that follows also the thematic adjustment of the Light+Building.
Visit the
Luminale website