
New pieces for the Plec table Collection by RS Barcelona

News Infurma20/04/2021
New pieces for the Plec table Collection by RS Barcelona
New pieces for the Plec table Collection by RS Barcelona

RS Barcelona introduces the new pieces of the Plec table collection. New shapes to respond to new uses and emerging needs bringing its uniqueness and sculptural design to any spaces

The Plec coffee table, designed by Antoni Pallejà Office, invites you to look at it from a different perspective. Its renewed shapes and sizes take it to a higher level: a collection that surprises you with new uses so that you can continue playing with the folding symmetry in different spaces.

Plec was born as a rectangular coffee table in three sizes and heights to combine with each other and fit into any environment, both indoors and outdoors. The distinctive structure of its accordionshaped legs, when they meet the rays of light, creates light and shade effects that flood the room.

Now, without giving up its sculptural design, Plec is shown as a collection of pieces of different sizes and shapes to respond to new uses.

The collection pieces

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Plec_small-whitegreen_ambient.jpg

The rectangular coffee tables are joined by round shapes, contrasting with the straight lines of their folds and creating pieces whose charm is mainly in their asymmetry.La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Plec_desk_white_ambient_03.jpg

Looking for new functionalities and as a natural evolution of the rectangular coffee and side table collection Plec becomes a desk where it is a pleasure to work at and inspiration comes by itself. Its compact dimensions make it the perfect desk to set up your own office at home or at a hotel room, creating an atmosphere that invites concentration with comfort and the decorative accent of home.La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es Plec_pedestal_white_ambient_01.jpg

And with the aim of paying tribute to a piece of furniture that time has relegated to the past, Plec emerges as a pedestal. It turns its shape into a sculpture, giving even more emphasis to the object placed on it and highlighting its presence in the space in a perfect symbiosis between the object and the furniture.

In its sculptural lines and formal beauty. The intertwining of the industrial look of the metal and the timeless elegance of the marble. In their colours and their sophisticated tones. With all these elements, Plec exudes quiet confidence and restraint, without raising its voice above the other elements. It knows that creating spatial harmony is a team effort.

Intense living products

Intense living is the claim that makes RS Barcelona moves. It's a way of understanding life, in which the most important thing is to look for the positive side of every moment and situation. It's about enjoying what you do. With no limits and with no fear of venturing into unchartered territory. You see everything as a challenge. It's called healthy competitiveness.

However, despite your eagerness to improve and outdo yourself, you also know when to slow down and take a breather. To break up your routine. Devote time to yourself and your loved ones. To live life to the fullest and fill it with amazing memories.

Memories that bring a smile to your face. Or a tear to your eye, but one of happiness. That remind you that life is there to be lived intensely and in company. RS Barcelona products accompany you, helping you to live those moments. They help you to shed those layers of seriousness and formality and to bring out the child with curious and excited eyes you have in you. They give you that last little push you need to take the great leap forward .

Source: RS Barcelona
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News Infurma:

Online Magazine of the International Habitat Portal. Design, Contract, Interior Design, Furniture, Lighting and Decoration