Alice & Fifth, a restaurant in Johannesburg, South Africa designed by Tristan Plessis Studio and SPINE Beirut, a bar in Beirut, Lebanon, designed by Gatserelia Design are the Overall winners of the 2019 Restaurant & Bar Design Awards.
Another 43 category winners were revealed at the winner's ceremony, which took place at London's King's Cross on 3rd October.
The Awards ceremony was attended by over 500 of the UK and world's best designers and their clients responsible for the design of the most innovative food and beverage spaces.
Judged by a panel of some of the most influential personalities in design, hospitality and lifestyle globally, this annual edition of the Awards attracted over 1000 entries from the UK and 70 other countries.
Best Overall Winners
- Best Overall Restaurant: Alice & Fifth (Johannesburg, South Africa). Design: Tristan Plessis Studio
- Best Overall Bar: SPINE Beirut (Beirut, Lebanon). Design: Gatserelia Design Alice & Fifth by Tristan Plessis Studio
SPINE Beirut by Gatserelia Design
Best UK Winners
- Best UK Restaurant: Hide (London, UK). Design: These White Walls + Lusted Green
- Best UK Bar: Dirty Martini (London, UK). Design: Grapes Design Hide by These White Walls + Lusted Green
Dirty Martini by Grapes Design
International Winners: Restaurant
- Asia Restaurant: Song (Guangzhou, China). Design: Republican Metropolis Architecture
- Europa Restaurant: LIÒN (Roma, Italy). Design: COLLIDANIELARCHITETTO
- Middle East & Africa Restaurant: Alice & Fifth (Johannesburg, South Africa). Design: Tristan Plessis Studio
- Australia & Pacific Restaurant: Wagaya (Lidcombe, Australia). Design: Span Design
- Americas Restaurant: Europea (Montreal, Canada). Design: Provencher Roy Song by Republican Metropolis Architecture
Alice & Fifth by Tristan Plessis Studio
Wagaya by Span Design
Europea by Provencher Roy
International Winners: Bar
- Asia Bar: Bar Lotus (Shanghai, China), Design: Office AIO
- Europa Bar: Galaxy Bar (Moscow, Russian Federation). Design: Maxim Kashin + Monoloko
- Middle East & y Africa Bar: SPINE Beirut (Beirut, Lebanon). Design: Gatserelia Design
- Australia & Pacific Bar: Hotel Splenade (St Kilda, Australia). Design: Technē Architecture + Interior Design + Eleisha Gray
- Americas Bar: Mamba (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Design: Hitzig Militello Arquitectos + MFC arquitectos Bar Lotus by Office AIO
Galaxy Bar by Maxim Kashin + Monoloko
SPINE Beirut by Gatserelia Design
Hotel Splenade by Technē Architecture + Interior Design + Eleisha Gray
Mamba by Hitzig Militello Arquitectos + MFC arquitectos
International Winners (16 categories)
- Surface Interiors: New York Burguer (Madrid, Spain). Design: Proyecto Singular
- Lighting: Suzue (Tokyo, Japan). Design: supermaniac inc..
- Heritage Building: Beef Bar (Paris, France). Design: Humbert & Poyet
- Pop-Up: Brasserie 2050 (Amsterdam, Netherlands). Design: Overtreders W
- Café: Cardboard (Mumbai, India). Design: Nudes
- Luxury: The Top of Cloud (Xi’An, China). Design: RSAA / Büro Ziyu Zhuang
- Biophilic Design: Nido (San Jose del Cabo, México). Design: Arquitectura de Interiores
- Hotel: Louix Louis (Toronto, Canada). Design: DesignAgency New York Burguer by Proyecto Singular
Suzue by supermaniac inc.
Beef Bar by Humbert & Poyet
Brasserie 2050 by Diseño: Overtreders W
Cardboard by Nudes
The Top of Cloud by RSAA / Büro Ziyu Zhuang
Nido by Arquitectura de Interiores
Louix Louis by DesignAgency
- Identity: Italian Artisans (Melbourne, Australia). Design: ERD
- Multiple: Saké (Manly, Australia). Design: Luchetti Krelle
- Fast Casual: Pizza 22 (Moscow, Russian Federation). Design: DA architecture bureau
- Colour: Hey Yo (Hong Kong, Hong Kong). Design: Action & Associates
- Ceiling: Icha Chateau (Shanghai, China). Design: Spacemen
- Murals & Graffiti: The Bar at Hotel Zachary (Chicago, United States). Design: Studio K Creative
- Standalone: C.C. Babcoq (Cronulla, Australia). Design: Tom Mark Henry
- In Another Space: The Valtus Parlour (Dublin, Ireland). Design: Kingston Lafferty Design Italian Artisans by ERD
Saké by Luchetti Krelle
Pizza 22 by DA architecture bureau
Hey Yo by Action & Associates
Icha Chateau by Spacemen
The Bar at Hotel Zachary by Studio K Creative
C.C. Babcoq by Tom Mark Henry
The Valtus Parlour by Kingston Lafferty Design
UK Winners (15 Categories)
- Standalone: Hide (London, UK). Design: These White Walls + Lusted Green
- Biophilic Design: The Botanist (Coventry, UK). Design: The New World Trading Company
- Fast / Casual: Colicci Kiosk (London, UK). Design: Mizzi Studio
- Heritage Building: Level 5, Royal Opera House (London, UK). Design: Studio Linse + Stanton Williams
- Hotel: Savage Garden (London, UK). Design: Grapes Design
- In Another Space: BA1R at 1Rebel (London, UK). Design: Studio C102
- Surface Interiors: Dial Square (London, UK). Design: 20.20 Limited
- Identity: Hide (London, UK). Design: Here Design Hide by These White Walls + Lusted Green
The Botanist by The New World Trading Company
Colicci Kiosk by Mizzi Studio
Level 5, Royal Opera House by Studio Linse + Stanton Williams
Savage Garden by Grapes Design
BA1R at 1Rebel by Studio C102
Dial Square by 20.20 Limited
Hide identity by Here Design
- Lighting: Annabel's (London, UK). Design: Isometrix + Martin Brudnizki Design Studio
- Multiple: Nando's (Swindon, UK). Design: STAC Architecture
- Murals & Graffiti: The Florist (Liverpool, UK) Design: The New World Trading Company
- Colour: Pirana (London, UK). Design: Sella Concept
- Café: Milk Train (London, UK). Design: FormRoom
- Luxury: Imperial Treasure (London, UK). Design: Studio Liaigre
- Ceiling: The Herbalist (Maidstone, UK). Design: Designed In-House Annabel's by Isometrix + Martin Brudnizki Design Studio
Nando's by STAC Architecture
The Florist by The New World Trading Company
Pirana by Sella Concept
Milk Train by FormRoom
Imperial Treasure by Studio Liaigre
The Herbalist by Designed In-House
Source: Restaurant & Bar Design Awards
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